April is Pregnancy/Cesarean Awareness Month

Be good to yourself during this wonderful, exciting time and schedule a comforting massage.

Due to the gradual adjustment of balance shifts and increase weight, pregnancy is a time of great change to the body – physically, mentally and emotionally.

Massage can relieve many of these aches and pains as well as contributing to the optimum functioning of sustaining systems.

Some of the benefits of massage include:
☼ Decreased anxiety
☼ Fewer obstetric and postnatal complications
☼ Relaxation and decrease insomnia
☼ Stress relief of weight – bearing joints, such as ankles, low back and pelvis
☼ Reduced swelling in hands and feet
☼ Emotional support and nurturing touch

A 1999 study, conducted by The Touch Research Institute, University of Miami School of Medicine and Duke University showed that massage reduced anxiety and improved mood. Massage participants report better sleep and less back pain.

Author: MARY

Office Manager at Ruscombe Mansion Community Health Center