March is Colon Awareness Month

A healthy, strong functioning colon is essential to maintaining good health. Over time, your colon may lose its ability to properly eliminate all waste from the gastrointestinal tract due to a combination of poor diet, improper food combining, drug intake and or lifestyle. If this happens, the colon may become saturated with harmful toxins. And through a process called “autointoxication”, these toxic substances can be transported into the bloodstream where the lymphatic and circulatory systems, as well as the lungs and kidneys, become overburdened and expos you to serious health risks. Continue reading “March is Colon Awareness Month”

February is Heart Health Awareness Month

The heart is the mental/emotional center of the body. Many alternative medical practitioners believe the mind is where heart disease begins.

Here are some foods to help maintain a healthy heart.
– Oyster shells (in the form of oyster shell calcium)
– Whole grains such as whole wheat, brown rice, and oats to calm the mind and the heart
– Mushrooms (reshi, shitake) improve cerebral function and nurture the heart, soothe the spirit and calm the mind.
– Fruits such as mulberries, schisandra berries and lemons
– Chamomile, catnip, skullcap or valerian to calm the nervous system and aide with insomnia.

Spirit-focusing practices such as meditation, yoga, prayer and reciting mantras help play a vital role in heart health as well.

January is Sleep Awareness Month

This time of year many of us are sleep deprived. Holiday shopping and preparations, family visiting or we are flying /driving for vacation time, tend to make getting the correct amount of sleep difficult. Eating on the run or different cuisine can be hard on our bodies.

Did you know that certain blood pressure medication, over-the-counter cold drugs and other medicines can cause poor sleep. So can caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. Too little sleep or poor-quality sleep can increase your risk of weight gain or diabetes. Did you know that roughly half of adults older than 65 have some form of sleep disorder? Continue reading “January is Sleep Awareness Month”

December is Depression Awareness Month

Although the stereotypical holiday images are full of firesides and warmth and joy, they truth is quite the opposite for many people. For those who have experienced a recent loss of a loved one or a divorce, the traditions of the holidays bring it all flooding back, no matter how many years have passed. Others get depressed after maxing their credit cards and the thought of facing the bills in the New Year. And everyone knows the stress of trying to squeeze more and more into their already busy days in order to live up to the family traditions requiring baking, wrapping, shopping, entertaining, etc. Continue reading “December is Depression Awareness Month”

The Deeper (Spiritual) Meaning of Cancer

There is a meaning, a message in any illness that we need to understand in order to heal. When we contemplate on the essence of an illness, we come to the deeper meaning of it. The most characteristic trait of cancer is absolute freedom. Cancer cells do not obey any laws set forth by the human body: they multiply without restriction, they take all the nutrients and oxygen they want, and they travel to any organ at will. Continue reading “The Deeper (Spiritual) Meaning of Cancer”

Adrenal Stress and Healing Spirits

The adrenals are hormonally active glands that sit on top of your kidneys. They decide how your body reacts to physical and/or psychological stress, to fight or flight. The main symptoms of adrenal stress are inconstant changes in energy, mood, sleep patterns, appetite, etc.: One moment you feel ok – the next you feel drained. A typical story goes like this: “I feel ok after my first cup of coffee, however in the early afternoon and evening I feel miserable like somebody turned a switch, then after 9:00 pm I get a second wind and cannot fall asleep.” Since hormone levels change during the day it is impossible to follow their pattern by a single blood test – therefore the diagnosis of adrenal stress is often missed (“all your test results came back negative – I will refer you to a psychiatrist”). However, clinical symptoms, objective physical signs like labile blood pressure, serial saliva testing and serial temperature readings during the day will confirm the diagnosis. Treatment options range from homeopathy, herbs, and glandular extracts to natural hormones. More information on; Continue reading “Adrenal Stress and Healing Spirits”