Chronic Pain: A Mind/Body Experience

The complexities of chronic pain are increasingly being studied and understood. In acute pain, pain and injury/tissue damage are to a great extent related: You cut your finger with a knife; special neurons called nociceptors register this information and send a message to the spinal cord and brain; you experience pain. However, in chronic pain, pain that has lasted for a long time, there can be a much murkier connection between physical problems and experienced pain. Continue reading “Chronic Pain: A Mind/Body Experience”

Listening for the Bells

My inclination, my passion really, is to look for the healing axis in every situation. Not easy with all this! But as healers, it’s our job to seek out the seam that holds the potential for regrowth and new life. Sitting still and listening is how I usually find my way to this. Hard to do when it’s all I can do not to scream. Continue reading “Listening for the Bells”

Lessons Learned in the Grand Canyon – Another Side of Autumn Healing

When I was 30 I found my way to the Himalayas. It took me another 30+ to find my way to the Grand Canyon, pretty much the opposite of the Himalaya.

What to say about the Grand Canyon? Before going there this Summer I heard so many stellar reviews, I wondered if it could live up to them.

It more than did. And it added powerful inspiration to my view of healing.

Whether you’ve been there or not, lean back for a minute and come with me . . . Continue reading “Lessons Learned in the Grand Canyon – Another Side of Autumn Healing”

The Highs and Lows of Summer

Last month’s blog was about using Summer’s healing gifts when our heart is in relatively good shape. This blog looks at Summer’s gifts for healing serious heart hurts.

As lovely as Summer can be, it has a tough side, too. There are obvious risks like dehydration, sunburn and other forms of burnout from too much of all that comes with this season.

Other challenges of Summer are less obvious – and far riskier. This Season of the Heart comes with lows as well as highs. Continue reading “The Highs and Lows of Summer”