Thermography Screenings Return

Ruscombe Mansion is happy to announce the return of Thermography Screenings with The Longevity Center.

Non-invasive, no radiation screenings for breast and body, this technology is safe, effective and affordable for men and women. Thermography can detect early inflammatory and functional processes such as thyroid function, digestion issues, lymphatics, circulatory, sinus, dental, pain and vascular patterns conducive with heart, varicose and more.

Thermography scans are currently scheduled at Ruscombe for Tuesday, December 19, from 12-3, and Thursday, February 15, from 10-1, then bi-monthly screenings moving forward. Costs range from a specific region to a full body – $179-$479. You can use your HSA or flex dollars for this screening.

Book online – choose “schedule an appointment” and follow the prompts – or call our scheduler at 1-888-580-0040.

*GRAND RE-OPENING SPECIAL​* Mention this article and receive 10% off services for the December date!