Make Mindfulness a Pleasure, Not a Chore

This excerpt is from a longer article available at

The heart of mindfulness is relaxed awareness of the here-and-now, slowing down, taking the time to notice more and notice more deeply, allowing experience to spontaneously arise, being not doing. As new experiences arise, they can be further explored or simply enjoyed. In addition to practices like sitting meditation, there are many other ways to cultivate this. Continue reading “Make Mindfulness a Pleasure, Not a Chore”

Have you seen the Light Bus?

Reward Offered for any information leading to the discovery of the lost Light Bus. Contact

This now-famous bus was on the Ruscombe property back when it was the Savitria Commune and AUM Esoteric Study Center, and we’re hoping that someone from the Ruscombe community of clients and friends may remember it from way back then.

If you know anyone who was connected with the Savitria community or the early days of AUM, would you please ask them to contact us if they have any memories of this bus?

Read more about the bus, and the search, at

Sheng Zheng Gong Talk at Ruscombe

This post originally appeared on In April of 2017, Peter Van Buren gave a talk to the health practitioners at Ruscombe Mansion on the benefits of integrating Sheng Zhen Gong with the holistic therapies they practiced. After first explaining a little about Sheng Zhen Gong, Peter then guided the group though a brief practice, so they could experience firsthand the “Sheng Zhen state”.  And, then he addressed the group,

“In preparing for this talk, I needed to answer the question, what does Sheng Zheng Gong (SZG) have to do with health practitioners? Continue reading “Sheng Zheng Gong Talk at Ruscombe”

New Qi Gong Venture

Cynthia Zanti Jabs is taking on a new venture this month. May will see the first classes of a curriculum she designed to teach Therapeutic Qi Gong to acupuncture students at the Maryland University of Integrative Health.

Qi Gong (pronounced ‘Chee Gung’) is to Asian Healing Arts what Physical Therapy is to Western Medicine. With a few notable differences: Qi Gong works with mental and spiritual issues along with physical ones. Many Qi Gong practices have been practiced for thousands of years. It’s very inexpensive and it never has to hurt to work. Continue reading “New Qi Gong Venture”

Heal the Body by Healing the Gut: The 5R Approach to Wellness

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) there are currently more then 70 million people in the U.S. suffering with some form of Gastrointestinal (GI) disorder. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that approximately 117 million (half of all adults) have one or more chronic health conditions. In addition, GI complaints are among the top reasons patients seek health care. So, if you are an adult reading this, most likely you or one of your close family members falls into one of these categories. Continue reading “Heal the Body by Healing the Gut: The 5R Approach to Wellness”